Elden Ring How to Respec Your Character
With such a diverse roster of weapons and spells, it can be sometimes hard for the player to choose what kind of build to have, or which weapon to center their character around.
Luckily, you won’t have to create a new character each time you want to try a new build because Elden Ring has included an option to respec the character, allowing the player to reallocate their characters’ stats.
In order to respec, two conditions must be met:
• Reach and defeat Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
• Get at least one Larval Tear
Satisfying the first condition is pretty straight forward, the player has to unlock the Raya Lucaria Academy in Liurnia of the Lakes and defeat its main area boss Rennala.
For the Larval Tear, you can check this post for all Larval Tear locations.
Reaching Liurnia of the Lakes
There are two ways to reach Liurnia of the Lakes, one is through a secret path, skipping Stormveil Castle altogther, and the other way is to go through the first two main bosses in the castle and progress through the game.
For first timers, going through Stormveil Castle is recommended, since otherwise you might miss out on two of the best boss fights in the game.
Click here to see how you can skip Stormveil Castle.
Going Through Stormveil Castle
• Head to Stormveil Castle, progress through the area and defeat the first main boss, Margitt, the Fell Omen.
• Keep progressing through the Castle, going through the secret passageway to the left of the main gate, reach the 2nd main boss Godrick the Grafted and defeat him.
• Optional: Go and activate Godrick’s Great Rune at Divine Tower of Limgrave
Lurnia of the Lakes
• Go through the gate and exit the castle. Now you have reached Liurnia of the Lakes. Get the site of grace and keep going north until you find another site of grace next to a Wandering Merchant.
• Keep going north reaching the third site of grace next to Laskyar Ruins, there you will find a lone Wraith Caller, once approached more will spawn.
• After clearing the area you will see a teleporter use it and it will teleport you to the Raya Lucaria Academy gate.
• You can’t go through the gate yet though, but make sure to activate the site of grace and take the item on the body next to the gate.
• The item you took is actually an area map with the Glinstone Key marked on it, this is the key to the Raya Lucaria Academy gate, go to the location depicted on the map (or check the map here for extra convenience).
• Once you reach the marked area you will notice a sleeping dragon. Behind him lays a body with the Glinstone Key. Get on your horse, ignore the dragon and run straight for the key.
• Once you have the key you can walk through the sealed gate of Raya Lucaria.
Raya Lucaria Academy
• Go back to the Raya Lucaria Gate site of grace and enter the academy.
• Clear the area and defeat the Red Wolf of Radagon.
• Exit the Debate Parlor (where you fought the wolf) and jump on the pillars to your right to reach the stairs (be careful of the big rolling ball!).
• Defeat the hostile npc, open the shortcut to your left and go up the elevator behind him.
• Once you reach the top you will find a big gate, Rennala awaits behind it, hovering and cradling her egg.
• Once you defeat Rennala she will stay in the room, talk to her and choose the Rebirth option to respec. Make sure you have at least one Larval Tear!
Tune in today, tomorrow (Tuesday) and Thursday at 15:00 CST on Twitch for another stream! I will be progressing through the game as Guts going further into Altus Plateau.
And don’t forget check out my Youtube Channel too!
Which builds did you try on your first playthrough?